ColorCoded Labs

About the project

ColorCoded Labs is a tech training bootcamp that's based in Colombus, Ohio. This bootcamp focuses on underrepresented talent in the tech industry, and has a job placement program that helps connects their graduates with employers who want to diversify their workforce.

My role

I've worked with ColorCoded labs to redesign their existing Webflow site, add new pages, and make it easier for their team to manage the website by themselves by integrating a CMS into the build.

Project scope
CMS Development
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ColorCoded labs had an existing brand identity. Their team wanted to redesign the website with the same guidelines in a way that represented their brand differently. They also wanted to be able to add new courses and modify existing course information without having to rebuild new pages or interact with the front end manually.


I introduced a toned-down version of the website that allows the vibrant brand colors to stand out the way they were meant to. I've rebuilt the courses' main and separate pages to allow the ColorCoded Labs team to add a new course from the CMS. This includes everything from the course colors, info, and even the time that would be included in the JS countdown timer on that page. They can use a simple switch to make a course disappear everywhere on the website, including the navbar.

The process
The existing website

ColorCoded Labs' existing website was designed by the same agency that did the branding. The website looked good but, toning things down a little bit would allow the colors to stand out even more. The overall structure of the website also wasn't aligned was ColorCoded labs current offering. The website didn't have an about us page, didn't use a CMS for the courses, and was missing a bunch of key pages that the company needed at this point, like a Press and Partnerships page.

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The redesign

To allows the website's the website's awesome colors to stand out without being too much, I introduced new base colors for the website. In addition to giving the website a more modern look, this approach made it easier to give different pages —like course pages— a destinguishable color.

A CMS build was also added to the team members, the courses, and the press releases to allow the ColorCoded Labs's team to make the edits the new without the help of a developer.

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Finished Product
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